Reviews: THE BOOK THIEF by Markus Zusak

book thiefYet another popular book among participants is The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.  Here are some excerpts [click their links to read their full reviews]:

Nise’ from Under The Boardwalk says:

I had to get used to the writing style, but once I did, I could not put it down. It is a young adult book, but adults will love it as well.

Christina from Jackets & Covers says:

I have to say, telling a story set in Nazi Germany from the point of view of death is pretty ingenious.  I didn’t know that before I started — it took me a moment to realize who exactly the narrator was — and it almost turned me off to the book because, honestly, a book about Nazi Germany from death’s point of view is morbid, twisted, and…ingenious.

thekoolaidmom from In the Shadow of Mt. TBR says:

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak is haunting and breath-taking, poetically beautiful and filled with truth.

Shelley from ChainReading says:

It takes a little while to get used to the rhythm of the writing and to get used to the narration by death, but KEEP GOING. It will all be worth it.

Julie from Jules’ Book Reviews says:

The writing style was fairly standard, but because of how the narrator (death) told the story, it drew you into the book, and was also able to have you really invested in it. It also had a lot of symbolism and interesting points on humanity, that “death” points out, which I found to be very interesting and had beautiful meanings behind them, that really made the story, and its characters become very real. One part in the end had me in tears, and some emotions behind acts had me close to tears at other times.

Arielle from Bookatopia says:

The first thing I have to say about this book is WOW. It is one of those books that you really get into and the characters become part of you, it is a truly moving story. For a book to be added to my favorites list it has to leave me thinking about it even when I’m not reading it, few books do that but this is definitely one of them.

Hilarie from Never Not Reading says:

I fell hard for almost each and every character in this book. I actually found myself wiping away a few tears as I finished the last few pages. I’ve been reading a lot of great books lately, but this one really stands out as an amazing read.


**Attention participants:  remember to email us a link to your reviews, and we’ll post them here so we can see what everyone is reading!**


  1. I loved this book! I love how you pulled these reviews together (My first visit here – do you do this for all the books read for the challenge? ok – I’ll just go look and stop asking possibly obvious questions.)

  2. Hi Care! Thanks for stopping by! Yup, we post excerpts from all participants’ reviews. We’re a bit backlogged right now, so they’ll be more WWII-related reviews posted soon!


  3. i absolutely love this book. Zusak is an amazing writer. I had to use this book for a project, and a the last minute had to listen to it on an audio track.

  4. I appreciated this book to the max. I came across it as I was asking my 10th grade english teacher about a possible book list and her recommendations. She strongly recommended this, and I am glad she recommended this to me. It captured me from the first sentence, and I found myself crying during the last few pages, as I had fallen so far into the story that I felt as if they were not just characters in the book. It’s a book I will continue to recommend to all of my friends, and continue reading. It’s not just a boko you pick up, can’t set down, and when you finally finish, you wish it didn’t end. No, this book is one which you approach with caution, but get sucked into inthe end anyway,and revel in your emotions which pour out.

  5. Kayla: Thanks for stopping by. I really loved this book, too.

    Maui: Thanks for stopping by and sharing your emotional experience while reading this book. I also cried at the end of the book, having grown attached to the characters. It took me a few pages to get used to the writing style, but then I was hooked.

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